Counter surveillance techniques pdf

I might also be inclined to use counter surveillance tactics if i was doing executive protection, or if i was in a high risk country like nigeria or south africa. Whenever you consider adding a layer of field intelligence to your preventative security efforts, its important to ask what goals youre actually looking to achieve. Ci is an integral part of the us armys allsource intelligence capability. Adding these 10 techniques to your surveillance toolkit will improve your odds of having a successful surveillance. Refuse to be a victim and arm yourself against the proliferation of hidden cameras. Surveillance tradecraft this new surveillance training book has been compiled as the ultimate guide and reference book for the surveillance operative. This counterintelligence tradecraft includes adversarial surveillance detection and counter surveillance measures. The surveillance ops team can design a red team exercise to evaluate your current surveillance capabilities. Surveillance ops counterintelligence surveillance training. These sorts of practices become a security culture when groups and hence movements collectively adopt the practices as a whole, working together cooperatively. Department of homeland securitys training course counter surveillance for critical infrastructure and key resources tells us that security measures can be defeated, and stresses.

Public sector counter surveillance from the experts. A route survey will help you plan your routes and formulate a response to potential attacks at each location. The behaviors necessary to master surveillance tradecraft are not intuitive, and in fact frequently run counter to human nature. Surveillance and countersurveillance skills are important for all preppers, and in fact are the logical extensions of situational awareness the military and other agencies utilize many advanced technologies, the costs of which are beyond the budgets of the majority of preppers. Countersurveillance may include electronic methods such as technical surveillance counter measures, the process of detecting surveillance devices, including covert listening devices, visual surveillance devices as well as countersurveillance software to thwart unwanted cybercrime, including. Surveillance and countersurveillance a key prepper skill.

Surveillance books, techniques, counter surviellance and privacy. Techniques for sabotaging capitalist infrastructure and extractive industries. There are specific vehicle maneuvers a target can execute to expose potential surveillance without being compromised. Employ your counter moves to try to detect the surveillance, but unless youre coming under attack, crashing your car or getting a citation isnt worth it. United states secret service counter surveillance unit reporting database page 1. Nov 17, 2016 you should only conduct your counter surveillance overtly if absolutely vital and it is not possible to do so covertly. As such, countersurveillance is different from antisurveillance which includes techniques to enable you to do what you need to do, despite knowing that you are under surveillance. A quick and easy counter surveillance trick taught by a. The lawmate rd30 is a rf transmitter bug detector and hidden camera finder. Once we know a clients favorite places we lay out the sdr so that it will look like a normal day of errands for our client and wont be suspicious to anyone. Covert surveillance and covert human intelligence sources codes of practice. In all seriousness though, you should have situational awareness that should send red flags up if you need to do counter surveillance tactics. Covert surveillance and covert human intelligence sources codes of practice author.

Sniper the techniques and equipment of the deadly marksman, mark spicer, 2001, snipers, 144. This chapter contains department of justice policy on the use of electronic surveillance. One technique of loose surveillance that has been shown to be quite useful, when you have time and the subject uses a set routine, is progressive surveillance. Jun 06, 2007 the behaviors necessary to master surveillance tradecraft are not intuitive, and in fact frequently run counter to human nature. If you are seriously considering the purchase of any type of counter surveillance equipment, youll learn all about the various products and save yourself a considerable amount of money by simply taking a few minutes to carefully read all of the following. May 25, 2016 the good news is that you can practice these techniques anytime and anywhere you want gradually getting better and more subtle at applying them.

This course is designed to provide skills that will enable anyone from the international traveller to the prepper for societal collapse, to operate in a. When youre at your house, place of work, restaurant, bar, etc, try to find ways to look outside through windows, entrances, etc. The professionals guide to surveillance training, peter ian jenkins, intel. Countersurveillance refers to measures undertaken to prevent surveillance, including covert surveillance. Employ your countermoves to try to detect the surveillance, but unless youre coming under attack, crashing your car or getting a citation isnt worth it. Physical surveillance can be broken down into two categories. At the same time, using the right countersurveillance tactics and techniques, you can elude most forms of physical and electronic eavesdropping. Howe law firm performs counter surveillance services for both companies and individuals, looking for and removing any surveillance devices that may be present. Cia guide to clandestine operationscovert operations are. Counter surveillance measures refer to all those actions that are taken to combat any type of surveillance. The book also teaches the aspects of digital photography using long range lenses and incorporates surveillance detection by anti and counter surveillance methods. We have developed a unique hybrid counterintelligence surveillance program for criminal investigators, organized retail crime orc investigators and intelligence professionals.

The discussion or surveillance of vehicles will cover the methods of tailing suspected vehicles to their destination, some of the tactics frequently used by violators to elude or detect a surveillance, and the countermeasures the surveillants might employ to pre vent detection and elusion. The book is to dated for it to be relevant to anyone seriously concerned with counter surveillance, avoiding stalkers, etc. Using your route surveys coupled with counter surveillance techniques will keep you sharp in the areas in. The counter surveillance and threat detection course is designed to teach the principles and techniques necessary to detect surveillance, threats, and communicate undetected in urban areas. The united states secret service secret service or usss has created the counter surveillance unit reporting csur database.

Observe, the ability to take specific notice, recognize, and accurately describe someone or something. Mar 18, 2010 surveillance detection briefing for commercial infrastructure operators march 18, 2010 presenter police officer glenn neuman homeland security and counter terrorism bureau nassau county police department u. Really, its one of those books that had a time and a place and that was about 2045 years ago when technology was far less sophisticated. Its going to be impossible to tell an officer you thought you were being followed so you were going 30 over unless you actually were and called 911 to report it. Techniques for surveillance and countersurveillance. Counterintelligence surveillance training criminal counter terrorism orc the perfect tool for any unit that conducts surveillance. Detect surveillance using the methods and techniques learned throughout the course enabling objective. Countersurveillance definition is methods and devices used for detecting or thwarting surveillance often used before another noun. At the same time, using the right counter surveillance tactics and techniques, you can elude most forms of physical and electronic eavesdropping.

Surveillance detection, a key to a successful protection. A primary counter surveillance technique is called bug sweeping, where a certain area, such as a room, is checked for surveillance devices, which may be covert listening devices andor visual surveillance devices. We find out places that our client frequently visits, such as the grocery store, starbucks, the gym, macys, etc. Counter surveillance techniques at your driveway show the assailant you are suspicious. Security and countersurveillance manual warrior up. Before the computer age, counter surveillance entailed evading. So heres the thing, learn how a good detective will conduct surveillance and you will be well on you way to understanding how to counter it. Counter surveillance tactics course green eye tactical. This high quality counter surveillance device is small and portable but very effective. Cia guide to clandestine operationscovert operations are an intelligence operation that is carried clandestinely and, often, outside of official.

Working against role players and given the information collected throughout the duration of the course, detect and accurately report surveillance activities related to a designated facility. The good news is that you can practice these techniques anytime and anywhere you want gradually getting better and more subtle at applying them. By its nature, ci is a multidiscipline effort that includes counter human intelligence chumint, counter signals intelligence csigint, and counter imagery intelligence. Concepts and practices for fraud, security and crime investigation page 1 surveillance is, quite simply, observations conducted to gain information.

Countersurveillance definition of countersurveillance by. Jul 05, 2008 fbi surveillance team reveals tricks of the trade the members of the fbis special surveillance group team, or ssgs, operate just below the radar and that is where they are most effective. Because of the wellrecognized intrusive nature of many types of electronic surveillance, especially wiretaps and bugs, and the fourth. The federal electronic surveillance statutes commonly referred to collectively as title iii are codified at 18 u. Department of homeland securitys training course counter surveillance for critical infrastructure and key resources tells us that security measures can be defeated, and. They are arranged by the general categories for conducting surveillance, evaluating programs or.

The documents below provide guidance on sound surveillance methods that can foster consistency in practice and can result in data that are more accurate and comparable. Send me a quick email if you have any questions about mobile surveillance. Covert surveillance and covert human intelligence sources. This requires a significant support structure of instructors, facilities, money and material, as well as a welldeveloped network of communications to link the operatives together. With the evolution of wireless and microchip technologies, surveillance devices have become smaller, cheaper and better than ever before.

They are five 5 steps while conducting surveillance detection, step 1. How journalists and activists can identify and counter. When youre at your house, place of work, restaurant, bar, etc, try to find. Anti surveillance part one this article deals with the aspects of anti surveillance, an often misunderstood practice that is frequently confused with counter surveillance. It is also the practice of avoiding or making surveillance more difficult. Protect against hidden cameras, audio bugs, gps tracking, and other threats. Counter surveillance tactics securityinfowatch forums. There is no other comparable book available in the world today in relation to covert surveillance training. The surveillance process may take several weeks or even months. Once a surveillance team is alerted, the target may be pursued aggressively or more sophisticated surveillance techniques may be employed as counter measures. To better understand what is meant by electronic surveillance, it is useful to break it down into parts. You should only conduct your countersurveillance overtly if absolutely vital and it is not possible to do so covertly. You will learn what to look out for and how to lay traps to confirm your suspicions by designing and implementing counter surveillance routes. It provides ttp for the development of intelligence to support counterreconnaissance cr operations.

By the end of the course you will be able to carry out sophisticated overt and covert drills to either evade, deter or gather intelligence on the most sophisticated of surveillance teams. This is the period when spies are at their most vulnerable and can be detected, and you can take measures to feed them false information and draw their attention away from you. Surveillance of premises, vehicles and persons new agen. How to run a surveillance detection route spy escape and. The exercises are designed to expose surveillance teams to as much counterintelligence tradecraft as possible in a given time.

We begin with an interview so that we can determine your exact needs and concerns. Either way, anti surveillance and counter surveillance are two different types of surveillance detection. Dec 20, 2018 with the evolution of wireless and microchip technologies, surveillance devices have become smaller, cheaper and better than ever before. This simple definition includes a plethora of techniques and methods that can be considered a form of surveillance. This might sound like it goes without saying, but from my experience, as soon as terms like surveillance, surveillance detection and counter surveillance get thrown around, simple fundamentals like goals. Fbi surveillance team reveals tricks of the trade the members of the fbis special surveillance group team, or ssgs, operate just below the radar. This is the person who initially alerts the rest of the surveillance team when the target is.

From embassies to court rooms to smalltown city halls, information theft and privacy breaches are on the rise. Oct 12, 2010 employ your countermoves to try to detect the surveillance, but unless youre coming under attack, crashing your car or getting a citation isnt worth it. Current practices in electronic surveillance in the investigation of serious organized crime 1. This is the person who initially alerts the rest of the surveillance team when the target is on the move. I bought this book for 1 to increase my situational awareness, 2 a long time inquisitiveness about spy surveillance work 3. Techniques for surveillance and countersurveillance tactics. The professionals guide to covert surveillance training is an amazing book. This book will guide you through the process of carrying out covert surveillance whether you are on foot, by car, public transport or in a static rural or urban location.

First, we plan a surveillance detection route for our client. Jun 05, 2018 beryl 614, a former french spy who worked for dgse for 15 years, reveals some of the basic principles of surveillance and counter surveillance. Oct 25, 2016 so heres the thing, learn how a good detective will conduct surveillance and you will be well on you way to understanding how to counter it. Protect 1203i 30mhz to 8000mhz analog and digital transmitter detector. Because of this, intelligence and security professionals who work surveillance operations receive indepth training that includes many hours of heavily critiqued practical exercises, often followed by field training. Counter surveillance tools are designed to help users detect and prevent unlawful and unwanted monitoring, whether that means detecting hidden cameras, scrambling unseen signals, or creating white noise masking that prevents recording devices from capturing voices. Secret service counter surveillance unit reporting. Before the computer age, countersurveillance entailed evading. Secret service counter surveillance unit reporting database.